Contact Information

'DVD Identifier' is written by Kris Schoofs. Feel free to visit the web-site at or drop me a mail at

Or you can simply use the links in the 'On-line'-menu :



I would like to acknowledge the assistance from following people who helped me during the development :

Peter De Leeuw ... for providing me with all sorts of valuable technical information and feedback 
Romain Voes  ... for taking care of some of the artwork
Jan-Willem Aldershoff ... for hosting 'DVD Identifier' on a sub domain of
Michael Spath ... for helping me to sort out some technical issues regarding DVD-R/-RW
Peter Van Hove ... for his technical advice
Robert Wilting ... for being a great source of media information



This software is provided as-is, without warranty of ANY KIND. The author shall NOT be held liable for ANY damage to you, your computer, or to anyone or anything else, that may result from its use, or misuse. Basically, you use it at YOUR OWN RISK.

'DVD Identifier' is published as freeware and may NEVER be sold.